For my world building hobby, I made a massive 22 x 28 inch map for my world "Kudao". And one of the larger factions: Trillicity. A large nation based off Tokyo surrounded by a massive canyon on the island of Tekki, which is on the western side of the map. After the map was completed I decided my next poster art will be the massive city of Trillicity: One of the most populated and largest faction of Kudao, and one of the most cruel. The city is popular for its mining facility and has the biggest production of Steel and Triynium; An electric/fiery type element that is used to power up all sorts of technology.
Now this project will take me a few weeks but so far I got alot of simple cubes and other shapes to represent what I want:
Its a rough sketch atm. VERY WIP! (work in progress). I want Trillicity to be Japanese based. And i'm mainly taking about a different alternative to ancient Japanese history aging to the future. So it won't be like other futuristic japan/asia fiction like Big Hero 6, Pacific Rim, and most anime. So ill try to not make it TOO futuristic and more industrial, like Zaun from the League of Legends lore. As you can see besides the buildings theres an arena which is too big to not notice (Which is also in the map above if you look hard enough. I'm planning to have some action going on inside the dome like a gladiator or a monster or something. And also on the very right you can see 2 characters looking down at the city. These characters have been drawn before, their names are Neo and Haruma
Another reminder: This artwork will be like the Tokyo piece I did a few months ago, except its 4x the size and its on steroids!